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GMU Spring 2024 Course Registration

2023-12-19 20:55

We are announcing the registration for the Spring Semester of 2024.

Rescheduled Prayer Meetings in the Academic Calendar. 

Chinese Track students, please note the change in lectures.

Populi Regular Registration period: 1/3 ~ 1/27

Late Registration (Fee $50): 1/29 ~ 2/3

Last Day Penalty to Register (Fee $100): 2/5 ~2/9

# To register for classes starting 1/29, send the following information to [email protected].
1) Your name
2) Number and name of the course you wish to register
3) Distance status (indicate for each course)

Please be sure to read the important points below before enrolling.

Attached below is the Lecture Schedule and Academic Calendar for the Spring 2024 semester.


1. Select courses by language

Courses are divided into 5 language areas: KOR, ENG, CHI, IND, and SPA.
You need to carefully check your language region and choose a course
.(Refer to the picture below.)


When you enroll, we want you to choose the right prerequisites for your degree so you don't have a hard time when you graduate.

Graduation credit advising is available from the director of each degree.(In particular, students graduating within one year must receive credit counseling.)

1) Korean Track students
BATh: Professor Seoki Kang, [email protected]
BACC: Professor Anna Choi, [email protected]

MDiv: Professor Clay Kim,  [email protected]
MACC: Professor Ohgueon Kwon,  [email protected]
MACE: Professor Youngmi Jang,  [email protected]
MAICS: Professor Abraham Choi, [email protected]

2) ENG, CHI, IND, SPA Track Students
BATh, MDiv, MACE: Dean Song Ju Ahn,  [email protected]

*After consulting with your director, you must notify [email protected] of any course substitutions.


2. 3 class delivery methods

1) Main Campus (Face-to-face class)
2) Zoom (Zoom live class)
3) Distance (Recorded Classes, Recorded class updates take about 2 weeks, please contact [email protected])
At this time, when you enroll in POPULI, you do not have the ability to choose your class delivery method.
When you enroll, everyone chooses Main Campus.i-20 students are required to attend face-to-face classes(Distance or Zoom is possible for only one course).
All students(except i-20 students) can participate in 3 ways.***How To apply with distance (All DISTANCE students must apply for DISTANCE after enrollment, as shown below)
1) After registering in populi

2) Your name
3) Course number and name
4) Indicate that it is distance (I-20 students with 1 class participating in zoom, written as zoom)
5) Please let us know at [email protected].
If you apply for distance, you cannot change to another class method.After the student requests the distance, the student is not visible even though the distance is displayed in the academic affairs department. Only the professor can see it.
When a student who has applied for distance wants to attend face-to-face or zoom, the student must get approval from the professor in charge.
