Student’s Records
Grace Mission University recognizes the need to maintain the confidentiality of student records. Thus, GMU observes the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974. No one except administrative personnel and faculty are given access to student records.
Grace Mission University does not release educational records to non-school employees without the prior written consent of the student. With few exceptions, such as external references which students may have waived their right to see, students may review their educational records upon request. Access is granted upon submission of written request to the Registrar.
Students are entitled to copies of all records to which they have access. Students have the right, under established procedures, to challenge the factual accuracy of their records if they should believe there are discrepancies. Such challenges should be presented to the Academic Dean in writing.
Student’s transcripts will keep forever in the institution. When the school close, the records will be kept in BPPE or the denomination office of the Presbyterian Church International General Assembly. Other documents and records will keep for seven years in the institution. After the period, the records and documents will be destroyed.
Enrollment Agreement
The enrollment agreement shall be signed by the student and by an authorized employee of the institution. Students get a copy of school’s policy relative to providing the enrollment agreement, disclosures and statements to students.
Students are to register in person or through online registration website during the scheduled registration days specified on the Academic Calendar. Students will receive units only for those courses for which they are formally registered. No registration is complete until tuition and fees have been paid or a satisfactory arrangement has been made with the registrar’s office.
Registration opens two weeks before a new semester. Within the preceding two months, current students receive class schedules and registration information by mail. They are to compare the new class schedules with their Student Progress Worksheets (see below).
After deciding the courses in which to enroll, and during the two-week registration period, a student is to meet with the Academic Dean (or the Dean of Administration) for academic counseling.
Student’s Records
Grace Mission University recognizes the need to maintain the confidentiality of student records. Thus, GMU observes the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974. No one except administrative personnel and faculty are given access to student records.
Grace Mission University does not release educational records to non-school employees without the prior written consent of the student. With few exceptions, such as external references which students may have waived their right to see, students may review their educational records upon request. Access is granted upon submission of written request to the Registrar.
Students are entitled to copies of all records to which they have access. Students have the right, under established procedures, to challenge the factual accuracy of their records if they should believe there are discrepancies. Such challenges should be presented to the Academic Dean in writing.
Class Attendance
Class attendance is required for residence students and international students. If a student has an excessive number of unexcused absences in a class, the instructor may lower their grade accordingly. A student who misses more than thirty percent of class sessions for any reason may be dropped from a course without units and a grade of “F” recorded.
After the first day of class, a $40 late registration fee will be charged. Registered students may drop or add classes during the first and second week of the semester. During the weeks, a $20 fee will be charged for dropping or adding each course. Thus, dropping or adding two classes would incur a charge of $40.
However, replacing a class (i.e. dropping one and adding one) will only incur a fee of $20. After two weeks, no new classes can be added.
Student has the right to cancel the enrollment agreement and obtain a refund of charges paid through attendance at the first class session, or the seventh day after enrollment, whichever is later.
For cancellation, a student must notice cancellation in written form. A withdrawal may be effectuated by the student’s written notice or by the student’s conduct, including, but not necessarily limited to, a student’s lack of attendance.
To withdraw officially from the institution, a student is required to complete the following procedure:
- Procure a Withdrawal Form from the Registrar’s Office
- Complete the form, furnishing the required signatures
- Return the completed form to the Registrar’s Office
Upon complying with this procedure, the student may be entitled to a refund based upon the institutional refund policy. The official date of withdrawal is the date the Registrar receives the completed form.
Unofficially withdrawn students will not receive a refund of any portion of tuition or fees.
Leave of Absence
All leaves of absence which must not exceed 180 days in any 12-month period must be approved by the Academic Dean. Time during an approved leave of absence will not be included in the calculation of the maximum program length. A student who wishes to take a leave of absence must make the request prior to or on the first day of instruction by completing the Leave of Absence form.
The leave of absence is effective only when the Academic Dean has granted permission for this leave. A student who has taken a leave of absence without the Academic Dean’s permission will not be considered a continuing student and may be considered as withdrawn. Non-compliance with Federal regulations regarding leave of absence can jeopardize a student’s eligibility for future financial aid and loan payment deferment.
In accordance with University Regulations and Federal Title IV Student Financial Aid requirements, a student may request a leave of absence and maintain enrollment status under the following conditions:
- Submit a leave of absence form signed and dated by the student unless unforeseen circumstances occur.
- Receive approval for the leave of absence request by the Academic Dean, and either by the Financial Aid Officer (if receiving Title IV Financial Aid) or by the International Student Advisor (if on F-1Visa)
- Generally, one leave of absence may be granted in a 12-month period. However, more than one leave of absence may be granted for well-documented and unforeseen circumstances provided that the total number of days for all leaves of absence does not exceed 180 days in any given 12-month period. The 12-month period would begin on the first day of the quarter the student requests the leave of absence.
- Students receiving Financial Aid Title IV loans who fail to return to the University from an approved leave of absence will be considered as withdrawn and will be reported to the lending institution by the University. Consequently, loan deferment and repayment schedule may be affected.
- The student’s withdrawal date and the beginning of the student’s grace period for loan repayment is the last date of academic attendance as determined by the University from attendance records.
- The University may be required to refund unearned funds to the Title IV Programs when a student withdraws from the University.
Students who have withdrawn from the school for over two years may be required to follow the readmission procedures. To be readmitted officially to the institution, a student is required to complete the following procedure:
- Procure a Request for Readmission Form from the Admissions Office
- Complete the form, furnishing the required documents
- Return the completed form to the Admissions Office
- The Admission Committee decides the readmission.
Interruption for unsatisfactory attendance/ unexcused absence
Three times of interruption for unsatisfactory attendance or unexcused absence will cause F grade or reported to the Student Financial Aid Department. The students who received financial aid will have to return the remaining amount of financial aid.
Students are expected to attend a class on time. If a student is late for a class, the three times of tardiness will be counted for one missing of class.
Class Cuts
Cutting a single class without teacher’s permission is unacceptable, and even one or two cuts can impact a student’s grade. The teacher should determine whether it is emergency or not to allow class cuts for a student.
Make-up Work
Students who received F or D grade may take again the course again as a Make-up work. In that case, the make-up units will not be counted as the total units of graduate requirement. Also tuition of the make-up course will not be included in financial aid.