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The undergraduate program offers a Bachelor of Arts in Theology degree. This degree program allows a student to select an area of concentration such as biblical, theological, or ministerial studies. When students finish 2 years of study, they can choose their minor emphases.

The undergraduate program is designed to finish in four years. However students can extend the length of study, but students should complete undergraduate degree within 6 years. Therefore, students will take minimum 9 units and maximum 19 units in a semester. To maintain the full time student status, students need to take at least 12 units.


The Bachelor of Theology degree is a four year degree program providing students with vocational training for ministry on a college level. The program offers a solid grounding in Bible, doctrine, and the practices of ministry within a strong Evangelical Reform environment. With a broad educational component, the curriculum enables students to develop a biblical worldview for life. Theology degree program allows the student to focus upon an area of emphasis. The theology major with specialized emphases provides the student with the foundational training necessary for vocational ministry or for entrance into a professional graduate program.

BA Program Learning Objectives

PLO1. Understand foundations and principles of general education from a Christian worldview
PLO2. Demonstrate biblical and theological knowledge as Bible teachers.
PLO3. Strengthen knowledge and skills in ministry field as lay leaders.
PLO4. Develop academic skills that integrate knowledge and practices for advanced studies.

Admission Requirement of BA Program

The applicant seeking admission must demonstrate a call to serve the Church, gifts for ministry, Christian experience, and spiritual maturity. Christian men and women who manifest faith, moral character, Christian experience, and academic preparation are invited to apply for admissions.

An applicant is eligible to apply for admission to the undergraduate program after they have graduated high school or passed the GED. Before a student is allowed to register for courses, admission must be granted. A student desiring consideration for admission to GMU must provide the followings:

  • A completed application form
  • Application fee of $100.00
  • Two recent 2” x 2 ½” photographs
  • An official high school transcript and official transcripts from all postsecondary institution attended.
  • Two references (one from their pastor, one from a teacher)
  • An essay of two or three pages detailing the applicant’s call to ministry including a self-evaluation of his/her strengths and weakness
  • Bible knowledge test
  • Oral interview of admission committee

SPECIAL STUDENTS: Those individuals who desire theological training but who do not wish to work toward a degree may be classified as Special Students. Such students are allowed to attend classes, but are not allowed to seek a degree.

Hours of Instruction for Bachelor of Arts Program

One semester is 16-week long including one week reading week which is non-instruction week. Most courses are three semester hour units except indicated courses. Therefore, three-unit course consists of three hours of instruction per week. The instruction hour for one unit is one hour per week including 10 minute break. The actual instruction for one credit is 50 minutes a week. The total instruction hour for one semester is 15 clock hours. For three-credit course, the total instruction hours for one semester are 45 clock hours. Full-time student is required to take at least 12 units per semester.

Graduation Requirements

Students who plan to graduate from Grace Mission University must fulfill the following graduation requirements for the undergraduate program:

  • Satisfactorily completion of 120 semester units
  • Completion of all courses prescribed in the Bachelor of Theology curriculum
  • Pass the comprehensive examination
  • Maintain a minimum grade point average of 2.0
  • At least 25% units must be earned at GMU by transferred students from accredited institution in USA.
  • Exit interview with faculty

Students planning to graduate must notify the registrar no later than the beginning of the spring semester of the year in which they plan to graduate.

All candidates for graduation must be approved by the faculty and the Board of Trustees. To receive this endorsement, students must have acted responsibly in manifesting Christian character and adhering to the standards of the school. In addition, students must clear their financial accounts of any remaining balances before graduation.

Degree Requirements

This is 120 semester hour degree. The requirements for completing this program are:

General Studies: 45 units
Course# Course Title Units
CE153 Christian Education
(or EC108 Child Education,
or CE383 Lifespan Development)
CO213 Intro to Psychology
(or SO273 Sociology & Intercultural Community,
CO463 Human Understanding)
CO253 Introduction to Counseling 3
GA133 Cultural Anthropology
(or or GE163 Intro. to Philosophy)
GE102 Media Ministry (Intro to Media & Technology) 3
GE173 Introduction to Education 3
GE223 Research & Writing 3
GE233 English
(or GE 343 Communication & Public Speaking
GH143 World Civilization
(or World History, US History)
GM153 Introduction to Music 3
GS163 Intro to Physical Science 3
Elective 1 3
Elective 2 3
Elective 3 3
Elective 4 3
BIBLE & THEOLOGY: 36 units (alphabetical reorder)
Course# Course Title Units
BT123 Introduction to the Bible 3
BT313 Introduction to Hermeneutics 3
NT203 The Gospels
(or NT483 Life & Ministry of Christ)
NT413 Acts & Pauline Epistles 3
NT468 General Epistles & Revelation 3
OT203 The Pentateuch 3
OT213 Historical & Poetic Books 3
OT363 The Prophets 3
PT401-6 Ministry Formation(0.5 unit, 6 Semesters) 3
SF324 Spiritual Formation
(or SF429 Cross-cultural Spirituality)
ST122 Bible Doctrine I 3
ST123 Bible Doctrine II 3
Professional / Practical Studies: 39 units
Course# Corse Title Units
BL313 Greek I 3
BL353 Biblical Hebrew I 3
CH103 History of Christianity 3
LT303 Foundations of Leadership
(or LT423 Cross-cultural Leadership)
LT423 Discipleship & Cell Groups
(or PM 413 Pastoral Theology)
MT303 Introduction to Missions 3
PT333 Sermon Preparation 3
PT443 Christian Ethics 3
PT493 Senior Integrative Seminar 3
ST333 Christian Apologetics 3
Elective 1 3
Elective 2 3
Elective 3 3

List of Classes Requiring Pre-requisite Classes

Course sequencing of MDiv & MACE, MAICS

  • If the student did not study introductory Greek and Hebrew, they should be required to take Greek 1 and Hebrew 1 as electives before taking Greek 2 and Hebrew 2
  • ​Greek 1 and Hebrew 1 are pre-requisites for Greek 2 and Hebrew 2, respectively
  • ​Greek 2 and Hebrew 2 are pre-requisites for Hermeneutics
  • ​Hermeneutics is pre-requisite for Homiletics
  • ​Homiletics is pre-requisite for Preaching Practicum

Course sequencing of BA:

  • Greek 1 and Hebrew 1 are pre-requisites for Hermeneutics
  • Hermeneutics is pre-requisite for Sermon Preparation

Bachelor of Theology Curriculum Plan (BA Four-Year Plan 120 Units)

First Year Fall Semester
Course# Course Title Units
BT123 Introduction to the Bible 3
CH103 History of Christianity 3
GH143 World Civilization
(or World History, US History)
GE233 English
(or GE 343 Communication & Public Speaking
CE153 Christian Education
(or EC108 Child Education,
or CE383 Lifespan Development)
PT401 Ministry Formation 1 0.5
First Year Spring Semester
Course# Course Title Units
BL313 Greek I 3
GA133 Cultural Anthropology
(or or GE163 Intro. to Philosophy)
GM153 Introduction to Music 3
GE Elective 1 3
GS163 Introduction to Physical Science 3
PT402 Ministry Formation 2 0.5
Second Year Fall Semester
CO213 Intro. to Psychology
(or SO273 Sociology & Intercultural Community,
CO463 Human Understanding)
ST122 Bible Doctrine I 3
MT303 Introduction to Missions 3
CE173 Introduction to Education 3
GE Elective 2 3
PT403 Ministry Formation 3 0.5
Second Year Spring Semester
GE223 Research & Writing 3
OT203 The Pentateuch 3
ST123 Bible Doctrine II 3
CO253 Introduction to Counseling 3
GE Elective 3 3
PT404 Ministry Formation 4 0.5
Third Year Fall Semester
BL353 Biblical Hebrew I 3
ST333 Christian Apologetics 3
SF324 Readings in Spirituality
(SF429 Cross-cultural Spirituality)
LT303 Foundations of Leadership
(or LT493 Cross-cultural Leadership)
GE Elective 4 3
PT405 Ministry Formation 5 0.5
Third Year Spring Semester
OT303 Historical & Poetic Books 3
NT203 The Gospels
(or NT483 Life & Ministry of Christ)
BT313 Introduction to the Bible 3
GE102 Media Ministry (Intro to Media & Technology) 3
Professional Elective 1 3
PT406 Ministry Formation 6 0.5
Fourth Year Fall Semester
NT413 Acts & Pauline Epistles 3
LT423 Discipleship & Cell Leading 3
PT333 Sermon Preparation 3
PT443 Christian Ethics 3
Professional Elective 2 3
Fourth Year Spring Semester
OT363 The Prophets 3
NT468 General Epistles & Revelation 3
PT493 Senior Integrative Seminar 3
Professional Elective 3 3


Total bachelor of theology unit hours is 120. It consists of 99 required units and 21 units of open electives. Many electives are taken during the Summer and Winter Interims in Languages and Specific Electives. All courses are offered in the semester system. The following courses are offered in a regular rotation.

General Studies (45 units)

CE153 Christian Education (3 units) 

This course is to equip students to become excellent Christian teachers in their future ministries within the context of the local church, para-church agencies as well as mission fields to apply teaching/learning theories, creative teaching methods and practice in actual teaching situations. It is also imperative that the students learn and understand people, the object of their future ministries.

CO213 Introduction to Psychology (3 units) 

This course is to give an introduction to the field of psychology as an empirical science in light of a Christian worldview. A survey of psychology as an empirical / behavioral science with a consideration of underlying philosophical bases in light of a Christian worldview. Topics to be surveyed include development, cognition, learning, motivation, physiology, socialization, personality and psychopathology.

CO253 Introduction to Counseling (3 units) 

This course is an introductory course in Christian counseling that applies the principles and methods of Christian counseling to the ministry of pastoral care and counseling. Through this course, students learn basic knowledge about counseling, understand the needs of counseling, and prepare for it.

GA133 Cultural Anthropology (3 units) 

This course covers the basic areas of anthropology including biological evolution, the prehistoric evolution of early civilizations, language, culture and social life, and the analyses of the nature and variability of human institutions. However, the components that deal with cultural anthropology are heavily emphasized.

The purpose of anthropology is to study the origin, behavior, as well as the physical, social, and cultural development of humans throughout history and in different cultures.

GE173 Introduction to Education 

This course discusses the general education theories and fundamental issues. It helps students to apply the learned theories and concepts in various educational settings.

GE223 Research & Writing (3 units) 

This course is to assist students in becoming proficient in paper writing skills essential for an effective education. It is a foundational preparation course for scholarly and research work for graduate studies, so that students will gain deeper academic knowledge.

GE233 English (3 units) 

This course studies college level English to help students take courses in English.

GH143 World Civilizations (3 units) 

By the exploring the streams of civilization throughout time, the student will have a better understanding of how the world came to be the way it is today. It will also help the students to understand better the events that are happening today and the decisions being made that will change the future.

GM153 Intro to Music (3 units) 

The purpose of this class is to engage the individual to the world of music by developing listening skills, basic music skills, and knowledge of basic musical elements. The individual will understand the musical knowledge from a Christian perspective.

GS163 Intro to Physical Science (3 units) 

This course is to do a survey of the basic principles of physics, chemistry, geology, meteorology and astronomy. It is designed for the Christian students especially.

Course Description: This course is formatted to understand the history of the human, earth and Universe through scientific principle. This course includes the answers and explanations about the scientific phenomena.

Biblical & Theological Studies (30 units)

BT123 Introduction to the Bible (3 units) 

A general knowledge of the entire Scripture and its background and interpretation is absolutely necessary for a Christian approach to life and work.

BT313 Hermeneutics (3 units)

The Purpose of This Course: The purpose of the course is a study of biblical-theological and hermeneutical perspectives with the goal of faithful exposition of biblical texts in the light of the whole canon for the purpose of forming faith and guiding practice.

NT203Gospels (3 units) 

This course will help students equip and prepare the Christian to fulfill the Great Commission as he gains a better sense of messages in the Gospel. It will also lead the student to a higher level of spiritual maturity as he sees, through the books of the Gospels.

NT413 Acts & Pauline Epistles (3 units)

This course will help students equip and prepare the ministry though the study of Acts & Pauline Epistles. It will also lead the student to a higher level of awareness to other cultures for their future ministry in multicultural contexts.

NT468 General Epistles & Revelation (3 units) 

THE PURPOSE OF THIS COURSE: The purpose of this course is to equip and prepare student with the ministry skill to fulfill the Great Commission of Jesus Christ though the study of General Epistles and Revelation. It will also lead the student to a higher level of awareness to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.

​OT203 Pentateuch (3 units) 

The Purpose of This Course: To equip the students with the knowledge of the first five books of the Bile.

​​OT213 Historical & Poetic Books (3 units) 

This course studies historical and poetic authors, historical and cultural backgrounds, themes, theological issues, literary structure and content. God’s guidance through historical books and the lives of God’s people through poetry books are illuminated.

​OT363 Prophets (3 units) 

This course studies the authors, historical and cultural backgrounds, themes, theological issues, literary structure and content of the prophets. Through this course, the messages of the prophets are applied to modern life.

​PT401-6 Ministry Formation (3 units) 

To equip the students with ministry skills required to work for the kingdom of God in the multicultural societies.

SF324 Spiritual Formation (3 units) 

The purpose of this course is to equip student with basic knowledge about spiritual movements and historical development.

ST122 Bible Doctrine 1 (3 units) 

This course studies the basic Christian doctrines of the Bible, theology, anthropology, and Christology. Through this course, students can understand the basic doctrines of Christianity established by biblical evidence and reject false teachings including heresy.

ST123 Bible Doctrine 2 (3 units) 

This course studies the basic Christian doctrines of soteriology, pneumatology, ecclesiology, and eschatology. Through this course, students can understand the basic doctrines of Christianity established by biblical evidence and reject false teachings including heresy.

Professional/Practical Studies (36 units)

BL313 Greek 1 (3 units) 

This course is an introductory study of the New Testament Greek to learn the vocabulary, morphology, and grammar of the Greek language in which the New Testament was written. Through this course, students can understand the letters and background of New Testament Greek and understand and interpret passages of the New Testament text.

BL353 Biblical Hebrew 1 (3 units) 

This course is an introductory study of the Hebrew language of the Old Testament to learn the vocabulary, form, and grammar of the Hebrew language in which the Old Testament was written. Through this course, students can understand the letters and background of the Old Testament Hebrew, understand and interpret the passages of the Old Testament text.

CH103 History of Christianity I (3 units) 

This course studies the spread and development of Christianity as a world movement from Pentecost to the present day. This course applies the lessons of church history to today’s times by studying major events and figures in church history.

LT303 Foundations of Leadership (3 units) 

This course provides an overview of leadership theories using power, position and servant- hood as integrating themes to examine a variety of leadership perspectives.

LT423 Discipleship & Cell Groups (3 units)

This course provides a comprehensive overview of local church discipleship and equips students with the responsibility and competence to lead effective Christian discipleship. Through this course, students learn the basic concepts of discipleship and apply to the ministry.

MT303 Introduction to Missions (3 units)

This course is an introduction to missiology and studies the definition, object, strategy, and methods of mission. Through this course, students will have the vision and challenge of mission through strategic methods for mission.

PT333 Sermon Preparation (Homiletics) (3 units)

In this course, students plan and prepare sermons to theoretically and practically experience sermons. Through this course, students prepare to be preachers by applying the components of sermons and writing sermons.

PT443 Christian Ethics (3 units)

This course examines the theory of duty and value from a philosophical point of view while laying the groundwork for Christian ethics. Through this course, students pursue personal holiness and apply Christian ethics to their lives and services.

Purpose of the course: An examination of the theories of obligation and the theories of value from a philosophical perspective.

PT493 Senior Integrative Seminar (3 units)

This course examines whether students have completed their studies while fulfilling the mission and purpose of GMU ahead of graduation, as well as their readiness to be disciples of Jesus and witnesses of the Great Commission. Through this course, students acquire the biblical and theological knowledge that graduates must possess, discover their gifts, and apply them to ministry.

ST333 Christian Apologetics (3 units)

This course examines various issues of Christian worldview and Christian apologetics related to history, science, and philosophy. Through this course, issues of the Christian faith such as the apparent inconsistency in the Bible, the alleged conflict between science and the Bible, the problem of evil, and the problem of religious pluralism are discussed.

Other Electives Courses
Course# Course Title 과목명 Units
PE393 Personal Evangelism 전도학(선택) 3
PT562 Planning & Leading Worship 예배학 (선택) 3
NT243 The Book of Romans 로마서 (선택) 3
GE357 Communication Skills 대화법 (선택) 2
SF433 The Holy Spirit: Then & Now 현대성령운동 (선택) 3
MT553 World Mission Strategy 세계선교전략 (선택) 3
MT293 Current Issues in Missions 현대선교이슈 (선택) 3
GA433, GA503 Islamic Culture 이슬람 문화와 선교 (선택) 2
AC343 Asian Mission Perspective 아시아 선교전략 2
PT582 Practical Theology 실천신학 (선택) 2
BT443 Biblical Archeology & Culture 성경고고학 및 문화 (선택) 3
PM493 Effective Family Ministry 효과적인 가정목회 (선택) 3
PT473, PT543 Inner Healing 내적 치유 3
PE413, PE513 Healing Ministries 치유목회 3
SF412, SF552 Scriptural Meditation Q.T. 훈련학 (선택) 3
GA143, GA543 Economic Anthropology 경제인류학 (선택) 3
Immigrant Church Family Ministry Emphasis
Course# Course Title 과목명 Units
FM 101 Biblical Foundation of Family Ministry 가정사역의 성경적 기초 3
FM 102 Pastoral Care and Counseling 목회 돌봄과 상담 3
FM 103 Pre-Marital Counseling 결혼 전 상담 3
FM 104 Divorce Prevention 이혼 예방에 대한 이해 3
FM 105 Effective Marriage Communication 효과적인 가족 커뮤니케이션 3
FM 106 Ministry for Blended Families 재혼 복합가정 사역 3
Christian Family Counseling Emphasis
Course# Course Title 과목명 Units
CFC 101 Foundations of Biblical Counseling 상담의 성경적 기초 3
CFC 102 Crisis Management Counseling 위기관리 상담 3
CFC 103 Pastoral Care, Counseling and Practice 목회돌봄, 상담, 사역 3
CFC 104 Pastoral Care, Counseling Practicum 목회돌봄, 상담 실습 3
CFC 105 Counseling for Anger Management 분노 관리와 상담 3
CFC 106 Counseling for Healthy Sexuality 건강한 성을 위한 상담 3