Admission Requirement of Master’s Program
An applicant must clearly demonstrate a personal Christian experience, a call to serve the Church, gifts for ministry, and spiritual maturity. Therefore, the applicant must manifest faith, moral character, and the academic ability to complete a rigorous master’s program.
An applicant is eligible to apply for admissions to a graduate program at GMU after they have completed a bachelor’s degree from an approved institution. The bachelor’s degree must be a four-year system or over 120 units in semester system. The applicant’s GPA at college level will be considered for admission. The applicant’s GPA at college level must above 2.5. Applicants who graduated college level in different collage system from American standard will be evaluated in different methods.
Before a student is allowed to register for courses, admission must be granted. A student desiring admission to GMU must present the following:
- A completed application form
- Application fee of $80.00
- Two recent 2” X 2 1/2 ” photographs
- Official transcripts from all postsecondary schools attended
- Two references (one from pastor, one from a teacher)
- A two to three page essay detailing the applicant’s call to ministry including a self-evaluation of his/her strengths and weaknesses
The applicant must supply the requisite written admission materials and may be required to have a personal interview with a member of the faculty and/or administration.
Advanced Standing and Special Students
Grace mission University does not accept advanced standing study and special students. Applicant must meet the admission requirements.
Degree Programs
Grace Mission University offers two master’s professional degrees:
- Master of Divinity
- Master of Christian Education
- Master of Intercultural Studies (Emphasis on Business As Mission)
In each degree program the student can develop an area of concentration such as biblical, theological or ministerial studies after consulting with his/her advisor.
Ministry Formation
The graduate faculty recognizes that the preparation of men and women for vocational ministry requires both academic and practical learning experiences. Therefore, the Office of Supervised Ministry helps every student to acquire practical experiences through local churches or para-church ministries.
Hours of Instruction for Master’s program
One semester is 16-week long including one week reading week which is non-instruction week. Most courses are three semester hour units except indicated courses. Therefore, three-unit course consists of three hours of instruction per week. The instruction hour for one unit is one hour per week including 10 minute break. The actual instruction for one credit is 50 minutes a week. The total instruction hour for one semester is 15 clock hours. For three-credit course, the total instruction hours for one semester are 45 clock hours. Full-time student is required to take at least 9 units per semester.
Graduation Requirements
Students who plan to graduate from Grace Mission University must fulfill all applicable graduation requirements for the program to which they were admitted. Students must notify the registrar of their intention to graduate no later than the beginning of the spring semester in the year which they plan to graduate. The faculty and Board of Trustees reserve the right to deny graduation to any student who does not meet the stated requirements for graduation. Students must clear their financial accounts of any balances before graduation.
Master of Divinity Degree (MDiv)
- Satisfactory completion of 87 semester units.
- Completion of all courses prescribed in the MDiv curriculum.
- Pass a comprehensive examination.
- Maintain a minimum Grade Point Average of 2.5 (C+)
- At least 53 units must be earned at GMU by transfer students.
- Exit interview with faculty
Master of Art in Christian Education (MACE)
- Satisfactorily completion of 50 semester units.
- Completion of all courses prescribed in the program.
- Pass a comprehensive examination.
- Grade Point Average of 2.5 (C+).
- At least 36 units must be earned at GMU by transfer students.
- Exit interview with faculty
Master of Art in Intercultural Studies (MAICS)
- Satisfactory completion of 50 semester units.
- Completion of all courses prescribed in the program.
- Pass a comprehensive examination.
- Grade Point Average of 2.5 (C+).
- At least 36 units must be earned at GMU by transfer students.
- Exit interview with faculty
The Master of Divinity is the three-year professional degree for ordained ministry. It is designed with the intentional integration of biblical, theological, historical, and practices of ministry studies with supervised ministry experience. The program is designed to equip candidates for full-time vocational ministry as pastors, and provides the professional training for evangelists, chaplains, missionaries, church associates, and leaders in para-church organizations. The student will earn a minimum of 87 unit hours to complete the degree program.
Program Goals
The Master of Divinity degree program seeks to:
- Prepare men and women for vocational ministry;
- Provide candidates with a solid knowledge of Scripture and the tools to interpret biblical revelation responsibility as a foundation for a theological understanding and the practice of ministry;
- Provide biblical and theological training with the practical ministry skills of leadership, preaching, worship, teaching, care-giving, and administration, which are essential for effective ministry;
- Enable students to develop a theology of ministry that is relevant to the context of their calling;
- Allow students the opportunity to experience ministry training through supervised experiences; and
- Encourage students to grow spiritually and to develop their spiritual giftings.
Program Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of The Master of Divinity degree, students will be able to:
- Demonstrate the ability to interpret and properly apply the Bible using sound hermeneutical principles and exegetical methods;
- Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the historical tenets of the Church and of the Reform distinctives;
- Demonstrate a foundational knowledge of the heritage, traditions, and practices of the Church and particularly of the Reform tradition;
- Demonstrate a knowledge of the nature and mission of the Church, and be able to articulate a biblically-based philosophy of ministry;
- Demonstrate the ability to integrate biblical and theological knowledge with the practices of ministry;
- Demonstrate the ability to communicate God’s truth clearly, accurately, and convincingly to a single individual or a community;
- Demonstrate the knowledge and ability to do the basic tasks of ministry;
- Demonstrate Christ-like character and credibility for ministry.
Degree Requirements
This is a 87 semester hour master’s degree program. The requirements for completing this program are:
General Studies (Cross-cultural & Leadership) | 27 Units |
Biblical / Theological Studies | 33 Units |
Professional / Practical Studies | 27 Units |
Total | 87 Units |
General Studies (Cross-cultural & Leadership) : 27 Units
RW513 | Methods of Research & Writing |
CH508 | Church History II |
LT543 | Leadership & Administration |
BL518 | Greek II |
BL558 | Hebrew II |
GS513 | Integrative Exit Seminar |
General Electives: Students can choose 3 courses from the electives. 아래의 선택 과목 중에서 3개를 선택할 수 있다
GA534 | Cross-cultural Anthropology |
CE503 | Christian Philosophy of Education |
GE523 | Issues in Social Justice & Ethics |
Biblical / Theological Studies: 33 Units
OT513 | The Pentateuch |
OT573 | Historical Books & Poetic Books |
OT558 | The Prophets |
NT518 | The Gospels |
NT573 | Acts & Pauline Epistles |
NT598 | General Epistles & Revelation |
BT513 | Issues in Hermeneutics |
ST513 | Systematic Theology I |
ST523 | Systematic Theology II |
ST533 | Systematic Theology III |
Biblical / Professional Electives: Students can choose other course from the electives. 아래의 선택 과목이나 다른 과목을 선택할 수 있다.
PT563 | Theology of Worship |
Professional & Practical Theology: 27 Units
MT514 | Mission Theology |
SF613 | Cross-cultural Spirituality |
PT513 | Homiletics |
PT533 | Preaching Practicum (PT513 Required) |
PT603 | Pastoral Theology & Ministry |
PT501-6 | Advanced Ministry Formation (0.5 unit, 6 Semesters) PT501 Ministry Formation I 0.5 unit PT502 Ministry Formation II 0.5 unit PT503 Ministry Formation III 0.5 unit PT504 Ministry Formation IV 0.5 unit PT505 Ministry Formation V 0.5 unit PT506 Ministry Formation VI 0.5 unit |
Biblical / Professional Electives: Students can choose 3 courses from the electives.. 아래의 선택 과목 중에서 3개를 선택할 수 있다.
ST583 | Issues in Christian Apologetics |
PT553 | Cells & Church Planting |
CO593 | Pastoral Counseling |
Master of Divinity Curriculum (Three-Year Plan 87 Units)
First Year Fall Semester
Course# | Course Title | Units |
BT503 | Intro. to the Bible | 3 |
CH503 | Church History I (Early to Reformation) |
3 |
ST513 | Systematic Theology I | 3 |
BL518 | Greek II * (Greek I은 여름학기에만) |
3 |
BL553 | Biblical Hebrew I (Elective) | 3 |
GI533 | Info. Literacy & Technology (or RW513) * | 3 |
PT501 | Ministry Formation | 0.5 |
18.5 |
First Year Spring Semester
Course# | Course Title | Units |
ST523 | Systematic Theology II | 3 |
CH508 | Church History II (Modern & American) * |
3 |
OT513 | The Pentateuch (Prerequisite Hebrew I) | 3 |
NT573 | Acts & Pauline Epistles | 3 |
RW513 | Research and Writing (or GI533) | 3 |
BL558 | Biblical Hebrew II * | 3 |
PT502 | Ministry Formation | 0.5 |
18.5 |
Second Year Fall Semester
SF533 | Spiritual Formation (or SF628) | 3 |
PT513 | Intro. to Homiletics | 3 |
OT643 | Historical Books & Wisdom Literature | 3 |
CE583 | Christian Education (or CE563 Cross-cultural Teaching & Learning) |
3 |
ST533 | Systematic Theology III | 3 |
PT573 | Christian Ethics (Elective) | 3 |
PT503 | Ministry Formation | 0.5 |
18.5 |
Second Year Spring Semester
NT518 | The Gospels * (or NT533 Life & Ministry of Christ) |
3 |
BT513 | Hermeneutics | 3 |
PT533 | Preaching Practicum * (Prerequisite Honiletics) | 3 |
SF543 | Equipping Believers in Spirit Formation | 3 |
LT543 | Leadership & Administration | 3 |
PT504 | Ministry Formation | 0.5 |
GA534 | Cross-cultural Anthropology | 3 |
18.5 |
Third Year Fall Semester
MT513 | Intro. to Missions | 3 |
OT533 | Prophets | 3 |
ST583 | Christian Apologetics | 3 |
PT603 | Pastoral Theology & Ministry (or PT683 Cross-cultural Ministry, PT593 Pastoral Mentoring) |
3 |
CO593 | Pastoral Counseling | 3 |
CE563 | Cross-cultural Teaching & Learning (MA, elective) |
3 |
PT505 | Ministry Formation | 0.5 |
18.5 |
Third Year Spring Semester
OT543 | Major Prophets | 3 |
GS512 | Integrative Exit Seminar | 3 |
NT598 | General Epistles & Revelation | 3 |
PT563 | Planning & Leading Worship (Elective, PT582 Practical Theology) |
3 |
PT503 | Cell & Church Planting | 3 |
PT593 | Pastoral Mentoring (or PT603 Pastoral Theology, PT683 Cross-cultural Ministry) |
3 |
PT506 | Ministry Formation | 0.5 |
18.5 |
List of Classes Requiring Pre-requisite Classes
Course Descriptions (MDiv & MACE)
All courses are offered in the traditional semester system. Courses are offered in a regular rotation.
GI533 Information Literacy & Technology (3 units)
The purpose of the course: This course is to assist students to prepare writing skills essential for an effective graduate education. It is a foundational preparation course for scholarly and research work for graduate studies.
Description of this course: This course covers the practices to write a paper based on classroom research, literature review, or the design of a syllabus or appropriate teaching materials.
Course objectives and competencies: By the completion of the course the student will be able to:
- Find research materials through the library and internet.
- Understand the basic steps of paper writing: choosing the topics, collecting information, evaluating materials and organizing ideas.
- Write good paragraphs that cover completeness, unity, orderly movement, and coherence.
- Evaluate the quality of reference materials, articles, books, web sites, etc.
- Use proper formats to cite references in writing academic paper.
- Committed to always reference sources and avoid plagiarism
RW513 Research & Writing (3 units)
The purpose of the course: This course is to assist students in becoming proficient in paper writing skills essential for an effective graduate education. It is a foundational preparation course for scholarly and research work for graduate studies, so that students will gain deeper academic knowledge.
Description of this course: This course covers the design of paper writing and analysis of research data. Research models and research ethics are presented. Methods of paper writing will be discussed with emphasis on consistency, critical thinking, flow of thought, persuasion and evaluation. Students actually experience writing papers in theological and related areas as a part of course assignments.
Course objectives and competencies: By the completion of the course the student:
- Can find research materials (i.e. in the library, on the internet)
- Understand and perform the basic steps of paper writing: choosing the topics, collecting information, evaluating materials and organizing ideas.
- Write good paragraphs that cover completeness, unity, orderly movement, and coherence.
- Aware the role of research in the integration for research topics and theology
- Can evaluate the quality of reference materials, articles, books, web sites, etc.
- Can use proper format to cite references
- Committed to always reference sources and avoid plagiarism
- Can outline a paper or essay (can express thoughts logically)
- Can write a graduate-level research paper
- Show competence in writing the research papers and term papers.
BT503 Introduction to Bible (3 units)
THE PURPOSE OF THIS COURSE: A general knowledge of the entire Scripture and its background and interpretation is absolutely necessary for a Christian approach to life and work. This course helps you lay this foundation as it seeks to prepare you for your own lifetime study of this part of God’s Word. You will develop some of the basic tools necessary to self-feed in God’s Word and to go on to lead others to Christ in order to fulfill the Great Commission.
DESCRIPTION OF THIS COURSE: A general overview of the Old and New Testament books, including selected introductory and critical issues, relevant background, major themes and divisions, and critical problems will be discussed.
Course objectives and competencies: By the completion of the course:
- You should understand the major historical and cultural influences of the ancient Middle Eastern history (4000 BC to 4 BC) which shaped life in the N.T. era (4 BC to AD 100).
- You should grasp of the basic geography and general chronology of the Old and New Testament era which includes the life of Jesus and the life and epistles of the Apostle Paul.
- You should be able to discern the purpose and unique emphasis of the Old and New Testament books and be able to give a brief summary of these books’ purposes and arguments. This should help equip you to study a book of the Bible by discerning its main theme and the contours of its structure.
- You should develop an understanding of the cultures of the people of the Old and New Testament and how these influence the interpretation of the Scripture.
- You should learn more about how to apply the truths of the Word of God to your life and how the study of the Old and New Testament aids in your growth in Jesus Christ and in the development of a biblical worldview.
- You should begin to develop a good understanding of biblical discipleship and begin to make personal applications of discipleship principles in a manner that stimulates your walk with Jesus Christ.
OT513 Pentateuch (3 units)
The Purpose of This Course: To equip the students with the knowledge of the first five books of the Bile: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy.
Course Description: Mosaic authorship, historical and cultural backdrop, themes, theological issues, literary structure and content.
Course objectives and competencies: By the completion of the course, the student:
- Has a thorough knowledge and comprehension of the creation
- Has a thorough knowledge and comprehension of the first five books of the Bible.
- Has a thorough knowledge and comprehension of the historical development of human being and the nation of Israel.
OT543 Major Prophets (3 units)
The purpose of this course: The purpose of this course is to provide central message of the major prophets, so that students can serve as faithful messengers of God’s message.
Description of this course: A study of backgrounds, theological themes, and central message of the major prophets such as Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and Daniel.
Course objectives and competencies: By the completion of the course, the student will be able:
- To understand significance of the major prophets in the New Testaments and the Bible.
- To appreciate historical background and literary significance of the Major Prophets.
- To understand key texts and important message of the Major Prophets.
- To grasp theological themes of the Major Prophets.
- To serve as a faithful messenger of God’s prophetic message to contemporary Christians.
OT553 Minor Prophets (3 units)
The purpose of this course: The purpose of this course is to provide central message of the Minor Prophets, so that students can serve as faithful messengers of God’s message.
Description of this course: A study of backgrounds, theological themes, and central message of the twelve books of the Minor Prophets.
Course objectives and competencies: By the completion of the course, the student will be able:
- To understand significance of the minor prophets in the Old Testaments and the Bible.
- To appreciate historical background and literary significance of the Minor Prophets.
- To understand key texts and important message of the Minor Prophets.
- To grasp theological themes of the Minor Prophets.
- To serve as a faithful messenger of God’s prophetic message to contemporary Christians.
OT573 Historical Books & Wisdom Literature (3 units)
The purpose of this course: The purpose of this course is to provide central message of the Historical Books & Wisdom Literature, so that students can serve as faithful messengers of God’s message from Historical Books & Wisdom Literature.
Description of this course: Students can study authorship, date of writing, historical and cultural backdrop, themes, theological issues, literary structure and content of Job through Song of Songs. Students do also a survey of Israel’s history from conquest to exile as portrayed in historical books of Old Testament.
Course objectives and competencies: By the completion of the course, the student:
- Has a thorough knowledge and comprehension of the ancient history of Israel
- Has a thorough knowledge and comprehension of the Historical Books & Wisdom Literature of the Bible.
- To understand significance of the Historical Books & Wisdom Literature in the Old Testaments and the Bible.
- To appreciate historical background and literary significance of the Historical Books & Wisdom Literature.
- To grasp theological themes of the Historical Books & Wisdom Literature.
- To prepare to preach God’s prophetic message to contemporary Christians.
NT518 The Gospels (3 units)
THE PURPOSE OF THIS COURSE: This course will help students equip and prepare the Christian to fulfill the Great Commission as he gains a better sense of messages in the Gospel. It will also lead the student to a higher level of spiritual maturity as he sees, through the books of the Gospels.
DESCRIPTION OF THIS COURSE: In this course, students will do exegetical study of select passages from the Greek text of the gospels. Students can apply exegetical methodology and discussion of background issues, including historical backgrounds, composition, authorship, and distinctives of each book into their ministry.
COURSE OBJECTIVES AND COMPETENCIES: By the end of the course the student:
- Has a thorough knowledge of the contents of the Gospels.
- Has a thorough knowledge of the theological issues in the Gospels.
- Equips the spiritual enthusiasm through the messages of the Gospels.
- Prepare the preaching skills with the messages of the Gospels.
NT573 Acts & Pauline Epistles (3 units)
THE PURPOSE OF THIS COURSE: This course will help students equip and prepare the ministry though the study of Acts & Pauline Epistles. It will also lead the student to a higher level of awareness to other cultures for their future ministry in multicultural contexts.
DESCRIPTION OF THIS COURSE: Students explores each of the Pauline Epistles to know the contents, the purpose, the theological issues, and the historical background.
COURSE OBJECTIVES AND COMPETENCIES: By the end of the course the student:
- Has a thorough knowledge and comprehension of Biblical contents of Acts & Pauline Epistles.
- Has a thorough knowledge and comprehension of the historical backgrounds of the early church.
- Has a thorough knowledge and comprehension of the work of the Holy Spirit.
- Prepare the mission strategy by analyzing the works of Paul the apostle.
- Prepare to teach the books and passages from Acts & Pauline Epistles.
NT598 General Epistles & Revelation (3 units)
THE PURPOSE OF THIS COURSE: The purpose of this course is to equip and prepare student with the ministry skill to fulfill the Great Commission of Jesus Christ though the study of General Epistles and Revelation. It will also lead the student to a higher level of awareness to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.
DESCRIPTION OF THIS COURSE: This course surveys the New Testament epistles and the Apocalypse, dealing with both introductory issues as well as basic content of each book. The student will do an inductive study of a selected passage, according to the accompanying Inductive Bible Study syllabus.
COURSE OBJECTIVES AND COMPETENCIES: By the end of the course the student:
- Has a thorough knowledge and comprehension of the contents of General Epistles & Revelation.
- Has a thorough knowledge and comprehension of the historical backgrounds of the writing of General Epistles & Revelation.
- Has a thorough knowledge and comprehension of the eschatology through the study of the Revelation.
- Prepare the last days by analyzing the messages of General Epistles & Revelation.
- Prepare to teach and preach the books and passages from General Epistles & Revelation.
ST513 Systematic Theology 1 (3 units – Bible, God)
The Purpose of This Course: To equip the students with the Christian doctrine to fulfill the Great Commandment with the biblical doctrine of the Bible and God.
Course Description: This course examines Christian faith which doctrines are inductively derived from biblical evidence and organized into a comprehensive, coherent and defensible system. In the Systematic Theology 1, students study the nature of the Bible and the “doctrine of God.”
Course objectives and competencies: By the completion of the course, the student will be able to:
- Know doctrine of the Bible (Bibliology)
- Have an integrated understanding of the scriptures as a whole
- Commit to the position that the Bible is inerrant
- Understand historical development of major theological propositions
- Commit to the position that the Bible is inerrant
- Understand major doctrine of God (Theology Proper)
ST523 Systematic Theology 2 (3 units – Christ, Man, Salvation)
The Purpose of This Course: To equip the students with the Christian doctrine to fulfill the Great Commandment with the biblical doctrine of Man, Christ, and Salvation.
Course Description: This course examines Christian faith which doctrines are inductively derived from biblical evidence and organized into a comprehensive, coherent and defensible system. In the Systematic Theology 2, students study the nature of Christology, Hematology, and Soteriology.
Course objectives and competencies: By the completion of the course, the student will be able to:
- Understand historical development of major theological propositions
- Understand major doctrines:
- Doctrine of Christ (Christology)
- Doctrine of Sin (Hematology)
iii. Doctrine of Salvation (Soteriology)
ST533 Systematic Theology 3 (3 units – The Holy Spirit, Church, Eschatology)
The Purpose of This Course: To equip the students with the Christian doctrine to fulfill the Great Commandment with the biblical doctrine of church and the last day.
Course Description: This course examines Christian faith which doctrines are inductively derived from biblical evidence and organized into a comprehensive, coherent and defensible system. In the Systematic Theology 2, students study the nature of Pneumatology, Ecclesiology, and Eschatology.
Course objectives and competencies: By the completion of the course, the student will be able to:
- Understand historical development of major theological propositions
- Understand major doctrines:
- Doctrine of the Holy Spirit (Pneumatology)
- Doctrine of the Church (Ecclesiology)
iii. Doctrine of the End Times (Eschatology)
BL517 Greek 1 (3 units)
Purpose of the course: The student will learn knowledge of the Greek vocabulary, morphology and grammar.
Description of this course: An introductory study of the basic elements of New Testament Greek, emphasizing syntax and development of vocabulary. Translation of selected portions of the New Testament, with extensive translation of a selected New Testament book in the second semester.
Course objectives and competencies: By the completion of the course the student:
- Understands the letters and background of the biblical Greek.
- Can read and write the sentence of Greek New Testament.
- Understand the passages from Greek text and interpret the passage.
- Knows Greek Alphabet
- Understands basic Greek Grammar
- Can use basic Biblical language tools (e.g. lexicon, word studies, concordance)
BL518 Greek 2 (3 units)
Purpose of the course: The student will learn knowledge of the Greek vocabulary, morphology and grammar.
Description of this course: An advanced study of the basic elements of New Testament Greek, emphasizing syntax and development of vocabulary. Translation of selected portions of the New Testament, with extensive translation of a selected New Testament book in the second semester.
Course objectives and competencies: By the completion of the course the student:
- Can read and write the sentence of Greek New Testament.
- Understand the passages from Greek text and interpret the passage.
- Understands basic Greek Grammar
- Can use basic Biblical language tools (e.g. lexicon, word studies, concordance)
- Prepare the sermon from the Greek text with proper exegesis.
BL557 Hebrew 1 (3 units)
Purpose of the course: The student will learn knowledge of the Hebrew vocabulary, morphology and grammar.
Description of this course: An introductory study of the basic elements of Old Testament Hebrew, emphasizing syntax and development of vocabulary. Translation of selected portions of the Old Testament, with extensive translation of a selected Old Testament book in the second semester.
Course objectives and competencies: By the completion of the course the student:
- Can read and write the sentence of Hebrew Old Testament.
- Understand the passages from Hebrew text and interpret the passage.
- Understands basic Hebrew Grammar
- Can use basic Biblical language tools (e.g. lexicon, word studies, concordance)
- Prepare the sermon from the Hebrew text with proper exegesis.
BL558 Hebrew 2 (3 units)
Purpose of the course: The student will learn knowledge of the Hebrew vocabulary, morphology and grammar.
Description of this course: An advanced study of the basic elements of Old Testament Hebrew, emphasizing syntax and development of vocabulary. Translation of selected portions of the Old Testament, with extensive translation of a selected Old Testament book in the second semester.
Course objectives and competencies: By the completion of the course the student:
- Can read and write the sentence of Hebrew Old Testament.
- Can understand the passages from Hebrew text and interpret the passage.
- Can understand basic Hebrew Grammar
- Can use basic Biblical language tools (e.g. lexicon, word studies, concordance)
- Can prepare the sermon from the Hebrew text with proper exegesis.
BT513 Hermeneutics (3 units)
The purpose of this course: It is essential to know the correct meanings of the scriptures in order to convey their messages to today’s audience. Without hermeneutics (the science and art of interpreting the Bible), we are overlooking an indispensable method of Biblical study. The first step is observation: what does the scripture say? The second step is interpretation: what does the scripture mean? The third step is application: how can we effectively apply our scriptural learning to our everyday lives? Biblical interpretation is perhaps the most difficult and time-consuming of the three steps. Lack of focus in this area can lead to serious error and faulty results. The purpose of this course is to define what Biblical interpretation is. It will also cover commonly accepted principles through the study of historical issues with interpretation. This course will set a foundation for students to apply well-defined Biblical truths in their ministries.
Description of This Course: By introducing students to the generally accepted principles of hermeneutics, they will be able to develop systematic methods for Biblical interpretation. Through this course, students will examine some of the most influential historical theories and works in Biblical interpretation, allowing a better understanding of the important principles of general hermeneutics, genre analysis, and applied hermeneutics.
Course Objectives and Competencies: Upon completion of this course, students should have a proficient understanding and applicable knowledge of the following key hermeneutic fundamentals:
- Can recognize widely accepted principles of Bible interpretation in the ministries of God’s words
- Can use systematic methods to exposit and composite Biblical theology
- Committed to accurate interpretation of scripture (and to doing sound exegesis before one teaches)
- Can recognize exegetical teaching (i.e. inaccurate interpretations based on one’s own opinion)
- Can use theological tools (e.g. commentaries, Bible dictionaries, Bible encyclopedias, concordances, topical Bibles, software,) to learn the background of biblical teachings
- Can use historical/contextual information to accurately interpret books of the Bible
- Understands the various forms of literature in the Bible and how they should be interpreted
PT513 Homiletics (3 units)
The purpose of this course: To preach based on the Biblical readings and its interpretation and real-life applications. To become a preacher that is able to effectively deliver God’s will, plans, and providence through studying the basics and frame of interpretative preaching and principles and methods of Christ-centered preaching.
Description of this course: This course provides the opportunity to learn how to properly prepare and deliver sermons based upon the Reformed Biblical Theology and solid annotations of the Bible. Furthermore, this course will teach how to properly prepare sermons for each genre.
Course objectives and competencies: By the end of this course, students should be able to:
- Formulate a correct perspective on biblical preaching.
- Make a sermon outline with appropriate introduction, exegetical material, illustrations, applications, and conclusion
- Articulate the effective and detailed ways of forming a sermon.
- Know the principles and methods of Christ-centered preaching.
- Preach on Christ-centeredness and lordship (note: assign as topic for an assigned sermon)
- Articulate on effective preaching.
- Know how to preach in an effective and engaging manner.
- Preach as a well-equipped preacher.
PT533 Preaching Practicum (3 units)
The purpose of this course: Recognizing the importance of the preaching, the preaching practicum allows the student further experience at the craft with personal and group assessment. To become a preacher that is able to effectively deliver God’s will, plans, and providence through studying the basics and frame of interpretative preaching and principles and methods of Christ-centered preaching.
Description of this course: This course provides the opportunity to learn how to properly deliver sermons based upon the Reformed Biblical Theology and solid annotations of the Bible. Furthermore, this course will teach how to properly prepare sermons for each genre.
Course objectives and competencies: By the end of this course, students should be able to:
- Know how to formulate a correct perspective on biblical preaching.
- Make a sermon outline with appropriate introduction, exegetical material, illustrations, applications, and conclusion
- Articulate the effective and detailed ways of forming a sermon.
- Know the principles and methods of Christ-centered preaching.
- Preach on Christ-centeredness and lordship (note: assign as topic for an assigned sermon)
- Articulate on effective preaching.
- Know how to preach in an effective and engaging manner.
- Preach as a well-equipped preacher.
CE583 Christian Education (3 units)
The purpose of this course: This course is to equip students to become excellent Christian teachers in their future ministries within the context of the local church, para-church agencies as well as mission fields to apply teaching/learning theories, creative teaching methods and practice in actual teaching situations. It is also imperative that the students learn and understand people, the object of their future ministries.
Description of this course: This course deals with the Christian Education in general which is a key to success Christian ministry and other fields of Church Education. This class emphasizes on Creative Bible Teaching and Learning that will lead learners to be changed, Learning process, Creative Bible Learning Activities, Lesson plan, Teaching Plan, and Human Development in psycho-social perspective.
Course objectives and competencies: By the completion of the course, the student will be able to:
- Know a variety of effective teaching methods for Bible learning activities
- Design lessons that encourage listeners to participate
- find and develop good teaching materials (e.g. curriculum, booklets)
- Commit to prepare well (e.g. writes class plan, practices presentation, prepares clear and understandable and interesting material)
- Commit to continually study how to teach more effectively
- Understand Christian education in general.
- Develop Lesson plan and teaching plan.
- Understand secrets of successful lesson leading to learners to be changed.
- Teach creative Bible studies leading to learners to be changed.
- Understand human development in psycho-social perspective and apply it to the successful child education.
MT513 Introduction to Mission (3 units)
The purpose of this course: The purpose of this course is to equip students with effective, meaningful, appropriate ministry approaches to fulfill the Lord’s Great Commission through theological, cultural, strategic understanding of cross-cultural ministry.
Description of this course: A study of theological, cultural, spiritual, educational, ministry foundations of cross-cultural ministry. A case method approach will be particularly utilized.
Course objectives and competencies: At the completion of this course, the student:
- Has a heart for all peoples: Have passion and love for reaching all nations in the world
- Has basic knowledge of the theology of missions and cross-cultural ministry
- Has basic knowledge of the history of missions
- Has basic knowledge of cultural anthropology (including bonding with nationals, avoidance of paternalism, the needs for indigenous expressions of Christianity, cross-cultural communication)
- Has basic knowledge of mission strategy (e.g. church planting, church growth, unreached peoples, receptivity to the Gospel)
- Can provide basic mission education to congregation
- Can plan and help lead a mission trip
- Commits to the idea that everyone has a role/responsibility in the Great Commission
- Commits to keeping a close and harmonious relationship between missionaries on the field and the supporting church
- Develops academic readiness for further study on cross-cultural studies
ST583 Christian Apologetics (3 units)
The Purpose of This Course: This course examines the Christian worldview and various issues in Christian apologetics related to history, science, and philosophy.
Description of This Course: This course will deal with a continuous argument for the existence of God and the divine authority of the Bible. It also address such common objections to Christian belief as the presence of apparent discrepancies in the Bible, the alleged conflict between science and the Bible, the problem of evil, and the problem of religious pluralism.
Course Objectives and Competencies: At the completion of this course, the student should be able:
- To personalize the biblical imperative to practice Christian apologetics.
- To know basic history, theology, and practices of Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, and Hinduism
- To know beliefs and history of the major non-Christian religions in Korea (i.e. Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism, Korean shamanism)
- To know where to find ministries, literature, and other resources for ministering to members of various world religions
- To develop a systematic approach to doing apologetics.
- To answer common objections to the Christian faith.
- To be stimulated to greater faith in God and personal holiness.
PT553 Cells & Church Planting (3 units)
The purpose of this course: The purpose of this course is to train student to gain theoretical, practical, spiritual preparation for cell group and church planting.
Description of this course: A study of biblical, contemporary, practical foundation of church planting and cell group ministry. A special focus will be given to cell group of G-12 and practical principles of church planting.
Course objectives and competencies: At the completion of this course, the student:
- Knows techniques of making disciples (including the G-12 and cell-church movement)
- Knows training areas that are appropriate to discipleship (e.g. consistent devotions, prayer, Bible study, committed relationships with fellow disciples, serving God, witnessing, full-dedication, production of Christ-like character, stewardship and giving, commitment for disciples to become disciplers, …)
- Committed to love and spend time with one’s own disciples
- Makes disciples who in turn disciple others
- Can lead cell meetings and manage a G-12 ministry
- Committed to keeping all church members in a small group and multiplying cells
- Can follow up new believers until they are established in the faith
- Understands the difference between a church’s growth and the growth of the Kingdom of God (and more committed to the Kingdom’s growth than the growth of one’s own church)
- Understands the relation between church growth and the spiritual growth of the church members
PT603 Pastoral Theology (3 units)
The Purpose of This Course: To equip the students with spiritual power and abundant knowledge for the fulfillment of the Lord’s Great Commission. To guide the students so that they, in turn, may be able to effectively shepherd God’s people, leading them to live a true disciple’s life in this last generation.
Description of This Course: This course is an introduction to the theories and realities of ministry. The course will focus on the understanding of the fact that ministry is spiritual mentoring, and the study of formation of relationship between man and man, as well as man and God. With the initial study of the biblical foundation of ministry, students will then delve into the actual theories of ministry, learning how to weave existing ministerial theories and biblical ministry and apply them readily onto their own ministry.
Course Objectives and Competencies: By the end of this course, students should have:
- Learned what kind of ministry Christ desires, based upon the understanding of the biblical foundations of ministry and study focused on spiritual mentoring.
- Attained the proper stature as a minister through the study of temperament and attitude that Christ desires.
- Understood the various situations and background of those who will be ministered to, by studying appropriate ministry methods for effective results.
- Examined the importance of opportune timing of ministry and applied it to their own ministries.
- Examined the importance of relationship between ministry and location, and applied it to the study for appropriate ministry.
- Formulated appropriate methods of ministry for their ministries through the study of existing methods of ministry and understanding of their pros, cons, and characteristics.
- Formulated plans that will effectively minister to this generation.
- Examined the duties that befall a pastor in his ministry and effectively applied it to their own.
- Applied what they have attained from this course to their own ministry and personal faith so that both the minister and the ministry will continuously grow.
- Met the physical, social, emotional, practical, and spiritual needs of people one ministers to (i.e. not merely preaching with words)
- Had materials and skills for leading appropriate ceremonies (e.g. funerals, weddings, premarital counseling, baptisms, Lord’s supper)
- Committed to strengthening families in the church and Could organize events to promote family life (e.g. marriage conference, youth meetings, parenting classes)
- Known how to adjust to American culture and Can attract new members by helping new immigrants with many details of adjusting to America
CO593 Pastoral Counseling (3 units)
The Purpose of This Course: The purpose of this course is to examine the Biblical, Theoretical and Practical issues of Pastoral and Counseling within the immigrant church.
Description of This Course: This is a practical counseling course designed for ministry in the “Church, Mission Field, and Work Place” and within the “Context of Family” incorporating the Biblical Principles. This course will be taught through several lectures from the required text book and as well as applying various scholarly research on counseling. You will also participate in actual counseling observation, do actual counseling and also perform critic for others for effective counseling methods. Each student will be leading about 30-40 minute counseling session during the course.
Course objectives and competencies: At the completion of this course, the student:
- Knows how to maintain healthy marriage and family life
- Has knowledge about the impact of divorce on spouses and children
- Has and can use resources for marital and pre-marital counseling
- Can articulate the temptations typical to adolescents, the unmet needs that make them vulnerable, and how they should address such issues
- Can use Biblical principles to guide people through grief, guilt, loneliness, or toward more wholesome behavior
- Can engage in spiritual warfare for individuals
- Can facilitate inner healing
LT543 Leadership and Administration (3 units)
The Purpose of This Course: This course provides an overview of leadership theories using power, position and servant hood as integrating themes to examine a variety of leadership perspectives. Leadership theories will be critiqued in the light of biblical values and perspectives using these themes as an integrating framework. Students will examine roles of leaders and followers interacting in a given the situation and shaped by the culture, uses of different influence means (spiritual, personal, and positional), and formation of values (both cultural and spiritual) for leadership. Students will explore leadership development and how they can take proactive steps for their own growth and development as leaders.
Description of This Course: Leadership theories will be critiqued in the light of biblical values and perspectives using these themes as an integrating framework. Students will examine roles of leaders and followers interacting in a given the situation and shaped by the culture, uses of different influence means (spiritual, personal, and positional), and formation of values (both cultural and spiritual) for leadership. Students will explore leadership development and how they can take proactive steps for their own growth and development as leaders.
Course objectives and competencies: At the completion of this course, the student:
- Can communicate a vision that recruits the efforts of followers
- Delegates responsibility with appropriate authority
- Manages time and responsibility
- Understands how servant leadership was demonstrated by Jesus
- Prays that ministry will be more than the work of one’s own flesh
- Knows the roles and responsibilities of elders (Changno, Kwonsa), deacons (Jipsa), lay teachers (Kyosa, Gansa), cell leaders (Gooyeukjang), and other volunteers
- Can articulate biblical teaching on the role of ministers being to equip laymen for their own ministries (e.g. 4:11-13)
SF533 Spiritual Formation (3 units)
The Purpose of This Course: The purpose of this course is to provide the students with biblical foundation of spiritual discipline and contemporary approaches to discipleship training, so that they can become spirit-filled disciples of Jesus and effective discipleship training minister.
Description of This Course: This course explores the biblical foundation of discipleship and spirituality. The emphasis is on the practical approaches to ongoing discipleship in a small group context of the Korean-American churches today.
Course objectives and competencies: At the completion of this course, the student:
- Is sensitive to guidance from God
- Is committed to a regular life of prayer
- Knows a variety of types of prayer
- Is familiar with the results of fasting prayer
- Knows Biblical teachings on prayer
- Is committed to fellowship with God through a daily quiet time
- Is committed to a lifelong habit of seeking spiritual development by reading Christian literature, devotional books, biographies, etc.
- Values obedience to God so that one might know Him more
- Willing to die to oneself
SF543 Equipping Believers in Spiritual Formation (3 units)
The Purpose of This Course: The purpose of this study is to help the students to understand the theory and principles of Christian spiritual formation and to help them to cultivate some practical disciplines for spiritual life.
Description of This Course: This course, “Equipping Believers in Spiritual Formation,” investigates both the biblical-theological basis and practical-methodological disciplines for spiritual formation.
Course objectives and competencies: At the completion of this course, the student:
- Is familiar with programs designed for experiencing the anointing of the Holy Spirit (e.g. Encounter Program, Friday worship service)
- Can lead special spiritual formation activities (e.g. marathon bible reading, prayer mountain meeting, prayer chain)
- Can lead meaningful prayer meetings and ministries
- Can teach on spiritual formation
- Committed to using our gifts, abilities, and resources to cause others to flourish
- Has and can use materials for helping others discover their own gifts
- Can lead others in developing their own gifts
- Knows how to utilize gifts of the Holy Spirit in the church
- Can evaluate own strengths and weaknesses in order to understand one’s own calling
CH503 Church History I: Early – Reformation (3 units)
The Purpose of This Course: This course is to give a review of literature that traces the spread and development of Christianity as a world movement, from Pentecost to the modern era.
Description of This Course: Special attention is given to the kind(s) of Christianity that spread; the process(es) by which it spread; the effect Christianity had on the socio-cultural / political environment(s); and the effect environment had on Christianity and its subsequent development.
Course Objectives and Competencies: By the end of this course, each student should have achieved the following objectives in relation to the course:
- To know the major periods of Church history
- To know significant figures of church history (e.g. John Calvin, John Wesley, Martin Luther, William Carey)
CH508 Church History II: Modern Church History and American Church History (3 units)
The Purpose of This Course: This course is to give a review of literature that traces the spread and development of Christianity as a world movement, from Pentecost to the modern era.
Description of This Course: Special attention is given to the kind(s) of Christianity that spread; the process(es) by which it spread; the effect Christianity had on the socio-cultural / political environment(s); and the effect environment had on Christianity and its subsequent development.
Course Objectives and Competencies: By the end of this course, each student should have achieved the following objectives in relation to the course:
- To know the major periods of Church history
- To understand Reformed Theology (e.g. TULIP, Westminster Confession, 12 Confessions of the Presbyterian Church)
- To know Presbyterian History (e.g. Calvin, Knox, Presbyterianism in USA, Presbyterianism in Korea)
- To understand and is committed to an Evangelical theological position
PT501-6 Ministry Formation (1 units per semester for 3 semesters)
The Purpose of This Course: To equip the students with ministry skills required to work for the kingdom of God in the multicultural societies.
Description of This Course: Ministry formation program is designed based on our philosophy of Christian service. It is impossible to be effectively equipped for ministry by merely studying in a classroom. Such competencies as learning to understand and relate to people, learning to depend on more than one’s own abilities in ministry, developing a passion for ministry and missions, etc., require that students learn by experience in ministerial fields. In fact, what the students learn in the classroom may not be truly learned until they use it in ministry. Perhaps that is part of the reason that Jesus required service of his own disciples. Jesus equipped his disciples by calling them to be with him while he modeled service, and then sending them out to serve the Kingdom of God. We learn to manage a church by working with people who do so.
Course objectives and competencies: By the completion of the course, the student:
- Can collaborate with others to reach team goals (i.e. committed to respectfully use the skills and knowledge of others in a group)
- Participates in mission trips
- Prays that ministry will be more than the work of one’s own flesh
- Can organize and lead a team project
GS513 Integrative Exit Seminar (3 units)
The purpose of this course: The purpose of this course is to examine whether student has completed one’s study, fulfilling mission statements and purposes of GMU. This course examines student’s readiness in terms of living as Jesus’ disciple and witness to fulfill the Great Commission.
Course description: A final confirmation of student’s competence of scholarly understanding and Christian ministry.
Course objectives and competencies: By the completion of the course, the student will be able:
- To examine understanding of contents of the program.
- To examine biblical knowledge that seminary/Bible college graduate should have.
- To examine theological understanding that seminary/Bible college graduate should have.
- To encourage to discover student’s gifts and apply them into one’s ministry.
- To examine student’s potential to serve for the kingdom of God.
- To examine student’s spiritual fullness that seminary/Bible college graduate should have.
- To do summative projects to integrate student achievement, competency or cognitive.
- To apply the leanings into practical ministry and personal growth.