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Grace Mission University recognizes the primacy of the spiritual truth revealed in the Bible and incarnated in Jesus Christ, and acknowledges that all truth is of God. All truth finds its unity in God. GMU recognizes the role of the Holy Spirit in interpreting God’s truth in accordance with the words of the Lord Jesus Christ who instructed His disciples that “when He, the Spirit of Truth, comes, He will guide you into all truth” (John 16:13).

GMU recognizes that Father God has shown humankind truth through Christ in nature, history, and in Scripture. The Bible, as the authoritative Word of God, is central in the quest for knowledge. Its principles and precepts are integrated throughout GMU’s curriculum and are foundational in the institution’s basic philosophy of education.


To fulfill its mission, Grace Mission University is committed to provide its students with:

  • Theological knowledge
  • Ministry skills and field experience
  • Spiritual passion
  • God’s heart for all nations
  • Background to pursue advanced degree programs geared to professional Christian ministry and Grace Missions

As an institutional goal, GMU aspires to

  • Supply leaders (Pastors, Associate pastors, Missionaries, Lay Leaders) for the Presbyterian Church International General Assembly and associated churches
  • become one of the most outstanding missionary training programs in the Korean-American community


As a result of graduating from Grace Mission University, students will:

  • Demonstrate a strong commitment to the Lordship of Jesus Christ;
  • Demonstrate the fruits of a Christian lifestyle and mindset;
  • Acknowledge and demonstrate the authority of Scripture in their life and ministry;
  • Demonstrate an advanced knowledge of Scripture and the ability to effectively communicate it;
  • Demonstrate a mature knowledge of Reform Theology;
  • Evidence a commitment to world evangelism and the ability to share their faith;
  • Demonstrate the ability to effectively minister in the Korean culture and within cross cultural environments.


GMU program objectives and learning outcomes are articulated to support the mission statement and institutional goals.

BA Program Learning Objectives

  • PLO1. That students be equipped to serve as Bible teachers (e.g., Sunday school, youth groups, cell group leaders)
  • PLO2. That alumni become lay leaders in their churches (or ministers)
  • PLO3. That graduates be equipped for graduate studies

BA Program Learning Outcomes Goals

  • PLO1. That students be equipped to serve as Bible teachers (e.g., Sunday school, youth groups, cell group leaders)
    • As demonstrated by 75% of students gaining experience teaching while in school.
    • As demonstrated by 30% of 5-year alumni teaching some type of Bible class (e.g., Sunday school, youth groups, cell groups)
  • PLO2. That alumni become lay leaders in their churches (or ministers)
    • As demonstrated by 50% of 5-year alumni serving as lay leaders (e.g.,  deacons, elders, cell leader, Bible teacher, JDSN)
  • PLO3. That graduates be equipped for graduate studies
    • As demonstrated by alumni at accredited graduate schools having an average GPA of at least 2.7.

Masters Program Learning Objectives

  • PLO1. That students begin developing expertise in a specialized area (e.g., pastoral ministry, missions, education)
  • PLO2. That alumni find employment in ministry (full-time or part-time)
  • PLO3. That graduates be equipped for doctoral studies

Master’s Learning Outcomes Goals (MDiv, MACE, MAICS)

  • PLO1. That students begin developing expertise in a specialized area (e.g., pastoral ministry, missions, education)
    • As demonstrated by 50% of graduates completing a specialization (e.g., missions concentration, MACE)MACE
  • PLO2. That alumni find employment in ministry (full-time or part-time)
    • As demonstrated by 70% of 5-year alumni being ordained
    • As demonstrated by 70% of 5-year alumni being employed in ministry
  • PLO3. That graduates be equipped for doctoral studies
    • As demonstrated by GMU alumni in graduate programs maintaining an average GPA of at least 3.0.

Doctor of Missiology (DMiss) Program Learning Objectives

Upon completion of the Doctor of Missiology program, students will be able to:

  • PLO1. To equip leaders in the mission field to be competent in cross-cultural ministries through a balanced training of academic reflections and practical applications.
  • PLO2. To improve the students’ research methods and skills for the in-depth research that can practically and immediately affect the missional and pastoral ministries.
  • PLO3. To activate and maximize the potential of leaders in relevant organizations or institutions with academically and spiritually enhanced skills.

Doctor of Missiology (DMiss) Program Learning Outcomes Goals

Upon completion of the Doctor of Missiology program, students will be able to:

  • PLO1. To equip leaders in the mission field to be competent in cross-cultural ministries through a balanced training of academic reflections and practical applications.
    • As demonstrated by 70% of graduates being involved in educational or training areas
  • PLO2. To improve the students’ research methods and skills for the in-depth research that can practically and immediately affect the missional and pastoral ministries.
    • As demonstrated by 100% of graduates writing dissertations
    • As demonstrated by 70% of 5-year alumni writing in-depth research articles or books
  • PLO3. To activate and maximize the potential of leaders in relevant organizations or institutions with academically and spiritually enhanced skills.
    • As demonstrated by 70% of graduates being employed in ministerial and missional leadership


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